Food, Family, and Fun Make a Great November

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  His love endures forever.”  (1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV) The Bible is replete with verses to remind us to be thankful.  This year, as with all the many other years of my life, I am thankful for food, family, and fun. Oh, one more f – foilage. On November […]

I am a “Lit Chick”

After teaching English/journalism for 35 years, I didn’t retire; I simply reengaged. My first after-teaching goal was to get my first book published. With the Lord’s help, that was accomplished Dec. 2004 when “Humorous Happenings in Holy Places” (Tate Publishing) hit the market. Not only did that serve to respark my desire to write, it alsoopened up a […]

‘Boy, Them Ain’t Cantaloupes’

  This summer has been filled with changes. First, after celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary June 19th, Steve and I began our second half-century together. Thankfully, as I have become, shall we say, less youthful, God has blessed by dimming Steve’s vision. He thinks I look better now than when he married me. Please don’t […]