What do you give to Jesus

As Christmas approaches, we all will scurry about buying and wrapping presents. Gift-giving is a major part of Christmas in our culture, perhaps to excess. Most children get more than their little minds can take in. One child asked his mom, “If it is Jesus’ birthday, why do we get presents instead of giving them […]

Enjoying Fall and Funnies

October 2015 Issue

This gorgeous, refreshing fall weather calls me to my front porch. I’ve declared it my outside prayer closet. Occasionally, I take a break from praying, bible reading and porch-sitting to come in for a bite to eat and to catch up with everyone on Facebook. I often get belly laughs at some of the posts. […]

Back to school fears and funnies

Back-to-school time is surrounded with joys and anxieties. Both children and parents have a mixed bag of feelings. I know I did, anxiety being my biggest emotion. I expressed it with tears for the first three years, but later I learned to keep the tears from showing. That nagging lump in my throat and rumble […]

How Big is Your Jesus

I love children. I love how they take things so literally. I heard of a father and child, who after reading about the resurrection, had a conversation about God/Jesus Child: Daddy, where does Jesus live now? Dad: Sweetie, He lives inside us. Child: (Looking down at her little body) Why don’t I see his arms […]

Mistaken Identities

Often things are not what they appear. It’s simply funny when people make blunders in identifying people or situations. Recently, I led a ladies’ retreat/conference for the ladies of Bethany Baptist Church, Horton, Alabama, in Orange Beach. The only male among our twenty-two ladies was our bus driver. On our first night there, we were […]

The Meaning of Spring

  …Look around you: Winter is over; the winter rains are over, gone! Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world’s a choir—and singing! Spring warblers are filling the forest with sweet arpeggios. Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed, and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms. Oh, get up, dear friend, my fair and […]