Be Careful What You Say

Oftentimes I make broad pronouncements that come back to bite me in the – well you know.  I had just finished speaking at a great Ladies’ Tablescape Event at Southside Baptist Church, Southside, Alabama, where I had talked about how we could have joy in good times and bad ones. I asserted that attitude was […]

The Language of Love

When I read the love chapter in the bible, I remember how deficient I am in love language. My husband was gifted with human eloquence when it came to love talk. He would proclaim his love for me with beautiful proclamations; I would stand there like a bump on a pickle and could only stammer, […]

He’s still dead

As I prepare for leading a Widows’ Retreat Cruise near the end of the month, I was reviewing my material for it.  Much is about the grief process, some is about coping, but some is even about humorous happenings in very difficult circumstances. When there is a death of a loved one, emotions are very […]

A Few Years Older

Oct. Article for Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine

Birthdays have a way of reminding me that I’m a year older and of my own mortality. I turned 77 Sept. 2 and am proud of it. (No, it’s not too late to send me a present. Lol) I’m often reminded that I’m getting older. A cashier at a Japanese restaurant leaned over the counter, […]

Technologically yours

Things have changed greatly in my lifetime. My teenage friends and I thought it hilarious when our pastor made the same mistake, week after week. He would get wound up in his sermon, and somewhere along the way, he would drop in the same phrase – “God is not a respectable person.” We all knew […]

Love is a forever thing

June 2019 article

Envy, love, sacrifice, divorce, cooperation, partnership, companionship, jealousy, selfishness, giving, understanding, selfless, comforting, complaining, humor, romance, boredom, sadness, loyalty, God-fearing –which of these describe your marriage or the marriage of your parents? If I asked you to circle those you thought would contribute to a good and lasting marriage, would they be the same qualities […]

Spring is here

April 2019

Spring is here. Hurrah! I enjoy all seasons, but the transitional ones are the best. Having enjoyed/endured one of the strangest winters ever, the relief of spring is most welcomed. We’ve experienced some frigid days and days where we thought we might wash away. I noticed after one day of relative warmth and long-awaited sunshine, […]