Ministers’ Mates’ Mishaps

for Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine August 2018

What do you call your minister’s wife – helpmate, pianist, Sunday school teacher, mission’s leader or maybe just friend? These ladies wear many hats and often much is expected of them, but we need to remember, they are simply human. They often mess up just like other people. We never laugh AT them (hopefully), only […]

The Value of Scars

for Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine, July 20018

Scars come in all sizes and shapes. Some are quite visible; some are buried deep within. Why, you might ask, are you thinking of scars. Well, it’s quite simple; I have a six to eight inch fresh scar on my leg from my recent knee replacement. When I look at it, I know my surgeon […]

Life’s Do-Overs

Jan. 2018

What if you could do a life’s do-over? What would it be? Often we have the inclination to say, “I wish I could have a do-over on life as a whole.” If you could pick one area of your life, what would you pick? I asked some friends this question. Some said, “I’d be a […]

How love is expressed

February 2018

“I love the Lord more than anything; I love the Lord more than anything – unless it’s about a half-grown fried rabbit.” This was the honest expression of love expressed by a new Christian who had never been in church much. She hadn’t learned that Christians weren’t always that truthful. One wife whined to her […]

Humor in the Holy Land

April 2018

My trip to the Holy Land was filled with tears and laughter.  Our group was much inspired by the holy places and greatly amused by our group’s antics. Last month, I shared some of the more inspiring sites and happenings, with the promise of writing about some of the lighter moments this month. Of course, […]

Muscadines and other tough things

October 2017 Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine

I thought I had completely lost my mind as I stood in my kitchen with every flat surface (and some not so flat) sticky with muscadine juice, sugar, purple hulls and such. Whatever possessed me to think I wanted to make muscadine preserves? This is not an easy task –  squirt the pulp from the […]

Wrinkles are like a soldier’s stripes

September 2017 Anniston/Gadsden Holy Humor article

“Thanks, Barbara. Don’t we all wish we could erase half a century from our face!” “Oh, no. Life has been too complicated to want to erase even one flaw. Those wrinkles are like a soldier’s stripes. I’ve earned every one of them. I can almost name my wrinkles according to their cause and remember the […]

The Importance of a name

August 2017 article for my Holy Humor column in Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine

Granny, Gram, Nana, Grandmother – I don’t care what my grandchildren call me, just as long as they DO call. At times, I have the fleeting thought that grandmothers have already outlived their usefulness for the family, but God quickly reminds me that as long as he keeps giving us breath for the day, he […]