Vacation Bible School lessons and funnies

A visitor, who was doing a special puppet presentation for the fun day at Vacation Bible School, presented one of Aesop’s fables. He tied it in the verse, Ephesians 4:32 – And be ye kind one to another. When he finished, he tried to recap the lesson with the three-year-olds. “We learned to be kind, one to _____?”
A precious little one heard one, to, and answered, “Twee (3).”
The music leader had done the fun music for the day with a group of little ones. One little boy had to leave and go to the restroom right at the end. He returned to the teacher as the others were leaving and said, “Will you pway with me?” She thought he was saying “play” so she started to show him the motions for the fun song. He said, “No, pway with me,” and he bowed his head and said a sweet prayer. She thought that was so precious. Then his ulterior motive was revealed; she was told that another child did this with the previous teacher and the child received a VBS coin. She didn’t have any coins to pass out.
At the evangelistic session of a mission VBS, our pastor, Dr. Michael Goforth, held up a dollar bill and asked a little girl if she would like to have it. She came forward and brought another little girl with her, so he had to dig out another dollar. He made the point that the dollar was free, but the girl had to accept it, as we do with God’s free gift of salvation. When the children returned to the rooms, a dejected boy told his teacher, “I guess it was okay for the preacher to give away those dollars, but it would have been fairer if he had given one to a girl and one to a boy.” Aren’t we glad that God’s salvation is free to anyone who accepts it? (Romans 5:16 -And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.)
Vacation Bible Schools are over this year for most churches, but the lessons learned by the children are eternal. Blessings on all who gave of time and energy to teach children Bible truths.

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