Wedding Vows – You mean they are for real

“You mean those words we repeated during our wedding ceremony are for real? Surely we aren’t supposed to be tied to them, are we?”

I’m afraid this permeates the attitude of many couples today.  Months of planning go into weddings; vast amounts of money are spent, but for many couples the vows repeated mean nothing. Some marriages dissolve before the bills are paid.

Marriage is serious business, and it takes great effort to fulfill the, “Til death do us part,” promise, but it is a beautiful thing when couples stick together through good times and bad. The “two shall become one” part takes years to fully be realized.

Although it is a serious occasion, funny things do happen during weddings, and they relieve much tension if people can just laugh.

I don’t know; I may have lived in adultery for 56 years.  The minister kept calling Steve, Willard throughout the ceremony.

One minister friend, Dr. Bill King, said, “I asked the groom, “Do you take this woman…..’ After my question, he paused in silence for a few seconds before he said, “Do what?”

Dr. Mike Shaw reported, “The first wedding I ever officiated was a fairly large church wedding. The groom, the bride, and the preacher were all nervous, and I was using a minister’s manual, which had not been revised since the Revolutionary War. I asked the groom to repeat after me “And with all my earthly affections, I thee endow.” He managed to repeat ” With all my earthly infections I thee endow.” Being young and immature, I got tickled, and barely made it through the rest of the ceremony. I am so glad that videos had not been invented way back then.”

People who know me well will not be surprised at the trouble I stirred up at the first wedding my husband officiated: I got bit by a dog.  There was a little Chihuahua that got out of a bedroom.  It circled the bride and groom, and then lay down on their kneeling pillow.  The mother of the bride motioned for me to get it.  There I was on my hands and knees behind the bride and groom.  When I reached between their legs to grab the dog, it grabbed me, barked viciously, and clamped down on my hand.  There was quite a bit of laughter there.

In spite of being able to laugh at these situations, there are some truths that will help couples make the ties tighter and help them live out their vows:

1.  Put God at the top of your priority list.

2.  Affirm each other daily.

3.  Keep your eyes wide open to the good qualities of your mate and half closed to the negatives.

4.  Do unto the other as you would have him/her do unto you.

5.  Communicate with each other about the small things, as well as the big things.

6.  Demonstrate, not just “I love you because —,” but also “I love you in spite of —.”

7.  Learn to laugh together and pray together every day.

            8.  Take time for each other – take walks, go on dates, or take a weekend away.

May your marriages all be golden.

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