February bring thoughts of love

February brings on thoughts of love.

Valentine’s Day was fun when I was a mere school girl.  Although the teacher insisted that if we brought anyone a Valentine, we should bring one for everyone in the class so nobody would be left out.  In spite of that, we always looked for that special one. Although it usually contained the same printed message that was on everyone else’s, we would read into a deeper meaning.

Maybe girls and women anticipate the day more than their counterparts, but even as an adult, I adore those special expressions of love on that special day. A box of chocolates, a vase of roses, and a sweet card with a handwritten message always made me feel special and chosen.  A special dinner out or attending a banquet is always extraordinary.

I realize not all men are as romantic as my lifetime valentine was, but many try any way.  I was recently told by one lady that her husband bought her a Home Light chain saw for her Valentine present – not what she had asked for.  One told of eating BQ sandwiches and chips by flashlight at the only restaurant open due to a winter storm power outage.

One guy did buy flowers, but he was a day late (maybe they were discounted.) Another brought his wife a bunch of unarranged artificial flowers.

Gifts on special occasions are always appreciated whether on time or appropriate, but the ones I appreciated most were those “Just because” gestures on ordinary days. My husband was the master of these.

Perhaps instead of focusing on what gift we might receive this year, we would do well to center our minds on what we might do for someone else in the name of Jesus.  Tell someone one thing you particularly appreciate about them, bake some cookies for someone you know will not receive anything, donate your organs at your death to someone.  That would give new life to someone.

My cousin was one of the first to receive a heart transplant in Birmingham.  His heart was failing, so the doctors took one that really wasn’t a fit for him and attached it to his weak heart to keep him alive until the right size became available.  When it did, the two incorrect and damaged ones were removed, and the one that fit replaced them.  My mom and dad visited him after a few days.  Mom called him by his childhood nickname and said, “Wicky, I know you’ve been through a lot, but don’t lose heart.”

My humorous, sometimes inappropriate, dad couldn’t help himself.  He said, “I don’t guess he will; he’s had three. “

Tell Jesus how much you love Him and thank him for the new life he gave you through his death.  Not just at Valentine’s, but every day.

One lady stood in church to testify and said, “I love the Lord more than anything.  Well, I love the Lord more than anything except maybe a fried half-grown fried rabbit.”  She may have been more honest than some of us.  Often our own needs and likes come before our love of HIM. He loved us before we loved HIM.  He showed his love for us on the cross.  Let’s show our love for HIM and for others.

John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.


1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.


John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


 I’m open for 2017 speaking events, women’s retreats, widow retreats, banquets or whatever the occasion might be. Call me at 256-878-5934.

March 14, 2017 3 PM Branchwater 763 Medical Center Pkwy, Boaz, AL 35957 First Baptist Boaz WMU and others Speaking on Holy Land Trip and mission trips.

May 19, 2017, 5 PM, Sr. Adult event, Clearbranch Methodist Church, 8051 Glenn Rd., Trussville, Al.

TBA – my new novel Beginnings will be out in several months. I will be doing book signings at that time.

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