Carolyn Galloway’s Cobbler

1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Melt 1 stick butter in casserole dish.

3. In mixing bowl, cut 1/2 C. shortening into 1 1/2 C. self-rising flour. Add 1/2 C. cold milk and stir to make dough.

4. Roll dough onto a floured surface into a rectangle.

5. Cut up 2 – 3 c. fresh fruit (peaches, strawberries, black berries, or apples) onto the dough; distribute evenly.

6. Roll up like jelly roll.

7. Cut into 2 inch slices and place in the butter in the casserole dish.

8. Mix 2 C. water and 2 C. sugar and pour over it.

9. Bake at 350 about 1 hour or until golden brown

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