Great Ladies’ Retreat

I am so thankful God is NOT finished with me.  He has added a new dimension to my ministry – leading/facilitating ladies’ retreats. I recently planned and facilitated a retreat for the ladies of Bethany Baptist church in Horton, Alabama. It was held at Romar Baptist Church/Retreat Center looking out over the stunning Gulf of Mexico.

I did three sessions on Stones of Remembrance: 1. Memorial Stones, 2. Ten Commandment Stones and other biblical stones 3. Living Stones.  The sessions included much sharing among the attendees.  On Sunday morning we worshipped with the congregation there and then left for home. We took breakfast foods and sandwich makings for lunch and ate out at night. (I had made reservations for suppers.)  We did serious bible study but also did some activities which brought bonding and laughter. We had plenty of free time for walking the beach and even went to the Foley Outlets to shop Saturday afternoon.

They asked me to plan another one for next spring.  I will be doing Faith that Follows for that one.  I received great feedback from the group this time.

Here are some of the comments our ladies made:

“What a wonderful weekend!  I learned the importance of stacking the stones of remembrance as a reminder to our family, friends and ourselves of the many times Our Solid Rock has brought us through those rocky times in our lives, and that it can be a witness to others.”

“The best part of the weekend was learning and growing closer to each other and, best of all, to the Lord.”

“Such a wonderful boning time with my fellow sisters in the Lord, and Ms. Barbara wasn’t bad either. Lol”

“Regardless of location, serving Jesus and receiving a renewing of spirit was a blessing and FUN.”

“This was a very humbling experience and I learned the meaning of “Ebenezer’”

“We all could relate to the Bible passages because we all have stones of remembrance in our lives.”

“I’m thankful for the stones in my life because the amount of stones determines the strength of my foundation.”

“Mrs. Barbara did a tremendous job in planning a weekend where we grew as Christians and grew closer to one another.”

I hope this gives you the information you need to plan a retreat for your ladies.  We had a wide age-span – from sixteen (the bus driver’s daughter) to eighty-four.  Call me if your would be interested in my conducting a retreat for the ladies at your church.  If you have further questions, call me at 256-878-5934. We need to start NOW if you want to schedule the same place for this fall or for next spring.  The dates fill up fast.

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