Yea! I am so excited to have a new look for the new year for my web site. I want to say a huge THANK YOU to the many of you who took the trouble to enter my site and sign up for my new letter and blog entries. I look forward to interacting with you through this site. Each month I will post the article I write for my Holy Humor column for Anniston/Gadsden Family Christian Magazine. I will wait until the magazine hits the streets early each month. Please give me feedback and your own humorous happenings.
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It's looking great Barbara. I hope that it will be a great platform to extend the reach of your ministry and enrich the lives of those you minister too.
Thanks for all you do. I’m still in the learning process.
We'll all be praying for you to do well. We know you will.
Thanks so much, Jane. I hope you are well. Love you much.