Finding Humor in the New Year

With the new year comes challenges, hopes, fears, and stress.  Attitude will trump circumstances every time.  I encourage you to resolve to maintain a positive attitude for the new year – an attitude of looking for the best in every day, an attitude of happiness, humor, and laughter.  Every day search for a reason to laugh.  Some of my favorite sources of humor are children, family, and church folks.

I have friends who are forever posting or telling me about crisis moments and moments of humor with their children and grands which they face with a sense of humor.

One grandmother found humor in an overheard conversation. She said, “We passed the Methodist church with the big rock out front, and this is the conversation we heard from the back seat:”

Sophie: Wow! What a big rock. Who made it?

Rafe:  God did.

Sophie: With his God-tools??? (so precious)

Rafe: No, He just spoke it. (so wise)

Sophie and Rafe

(Sophie is four-years-old and Rafe is six; parents- Jason and Lori Boatfield)

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