September 2014 Issue
For Anniston/Gadsden Christian Family Magazine
Writer Barbara Eubanks
When the school bells ring for a new year, for some, it is only their beginning, for some, just another year. School is faced with a variety of attitudes and reactions.
One kid, super excited to go to school the first day, was then devastated to learn he had to go back for the next 12 years. I felt the same way and later made the statement that if I got through 12 years, you wouldn’t see me in college. God laughed. He has a sense of humor. I ended up getting 3 degrees and teaching for 35 years.
Some notice a “difference” the first day. One new kindergartner told her mom,” One of the boys in my Kindergarten class wants to marry me.
“Really? He told you that?” asked her mom.
Her reply was, “No, but I know he was thinking it. I can tell what people are thinking.”
A little boy reported on his first day: “it was great and I have 17 girlfriends!! My favorite subject was lunch.” He also told his mom when she asked if Mrs. **** assigned seats. He replied, “No – she just told us to find the seat with our names on them! “Smart teacher
Another didn’t go so well. When the teacher told the students to find the seat with their name on it, a kindergartener replied, “Me can’t weed.”
Another first- of school conversation went like this: “What job does your dad to?”
“He feeds the dog. “
The teacher clarified her question by saying, “A job outside the home?”
He responded “The dog is outside!”
When one mother started to leave after taking her daughter to her room on the first day, the little girl kissed the palm of her hand and said, “Go be sad”. (Referencing the children book… The Kissing Hand.)
Some run into problems soon: One little boy had his desk moved right beside the teacher’s desk and when his dad went to the school for a visit, he questioned his son as to why he had to sit beside the teacher. The answer still makes me laugh today, he said “Daddy you know Mrs. *********** is not very smart so she moved me up here to help her out.”
Regardless to the reactions, school is a necessity of life. We are to study to improve ourselves and be the best person we can be. The Bible teaches this: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15